Rock Substrate And Macro Algae
Rock,Substrate And Macro Algae is usually regarded as the bed of material that covers the aquarium and refugium,All aquariums perform at there best with good filtration and for a reef aquarium optimal filtration is absolutely essential.Choosing the right substrate Macro Algae materials for your saltwater tank is very important,A general rule of thumb is to have a 4" layer of fine, graded sand,Live Aragonite Reef Sand & Substrates - Ideal for reef system tank bottoms, denitrifying anaerobic beds, extremely high surface area filter media.Find several different options for saltwater aquarium substrates,We also offer many different Macro algae With Or Without Rock Base ( Available Only for our Regular Customers,Please email us at for High Quality Macro Algae) and create a spectacular and healthy marine environment !!
We also offer many different macro algae.
Fresh Aquatic Live Aragonite Substrate
Rs3,000.00 -
Seachem Coral Frag Plugs
Rs850.00 -
JBL Sansibar Snow
Scroll Macroalgae
Rs1,400.00Out of stock
Assorted Green Macroalgae
Rs1,800.00Out of stock
CaribSea Mineral Mud
CaribSea Special Grade Reef Sand
Rs4,300.00 -
Sansibar Rock
Rs3,500.00 -
ISTA Ceramic Coral Frag Plugs
Blue Treasure Premium Coral Sand
Rs1,600.00 -
Seachem Pearl Beach
Rs3,200.00 -
Red Sea Reef Aragonite Live Substrate
XIN JING Premium White Sand
Rs2,600.00 -
CaribSea Ocean Direct Live Reef Aragonite Sand
Rs6,900.00 -
Dry Aragonite Substrate